Viridian City

Day 2:

We arrived in Viridian after a good night's sleep.
I first went for a look around the city, but Jin was keen to get going on to Pewter. I told him I wanted a look around. I did a tour of the City. There wasn't much there, except a Route leading to Indigo Plateau, and a Powerful Gym. I returned to the Pokemon Center to find that Jin had left for Viridian Forest.
I headed towards Route 2, which leads to Viridian Forest, to start training Bulbasaur.

Route 2: Viridian City - Viridian Forest

I trained Bulbasaur for ages here, she was really enthusiastic. We battled loads of wild Pidgeys and Rattatas. In an especially fierce battle with a Rattata, my PokeDex started beeping.

I took it out and opened it. It said that Bulbasaur was now powerful enough to use Vine Whip. I tested it on the Rattata, and it knocked it out in one! I was really proud of Bulbasaur. She had worked really hard to learn the new attack.

Then I saw Jin's Pidgey. It seemed to want us to follow it. We followed it into Viridian Forest.

Viridian Forest

I rushed in to the Forest, wondering what was wrong with Jin. It seemed that he had slipped and broken his leg.
A trainer called Maria appeared as well, she had started just after us.

I was thinking of a way to get Jin out of the forest, when a wild Weedle attacked. Bulbasaur battled it, and I caught it!

My new Weedle was put straight into action, strapping up Jin's leg with a surprisingly powerful String Shot. All the Pokemon helped carry Jin out of the forest.

Route 2

We rested near the forest's entrance, and Jin called for an Ambulance using his cell phone. I sent out Weedle to practice String Shot a bit more. Jin's Pidgey and Charmander helped him train. When the Ambulance arrived, I chose not to get in, I wanted to go through the forest. I waved goodbye to Jin and Maria for a while, and set off into the forest, Bulbasaur and Weedle behind me.

Viridian Forest

We trained all the way through the forest, and by the time we found the exit, Weedle and Bulbasaur were looking really powerful. We exited the forest after that, to go on to Pewter. As we left the forest, the sun was just setting, so we camped just outside the forest for the night.

Just before we left the forest, I took a self photograph with the Camera my Parents gave me for becoming a Trainer. It caught Weedle using String Shot on a wild Caterpie. This is how it came out: