Training Camp

Day 13

We got up early, to check all our supplies. I made sure that we had plenty of food, water, spare PokeBalls, PokeFood, Energy Drinks, Food Bowls, Sturdy Shoes, Sun Hat, Rope, Healing Equipment and a Tent. Whe we were totally ready we set off, hoping to find a good camping place quickly.

After an hour or so, we found a nice flat space, perfect for a camp. I sent everyone out. There was lots that needed doing.
Bulbasaur and Nidorino went to get firewood.
Beedrill and Electrode went to search for nearby Berries.
Ekans and Gastly made the sleeping area out of big logs in a square, and leaves.

I put up the tent, and as soon as I was finished, Bulbasaur and Nidorino returned with loads of firewood. Then they went off to look for leaves to sleep on. Ekans and Gastly helped them.
Beedrill and Electrode returned shortly after with lots of Apicot and Salac berries.

We soon had four sturdy logs, a huge pile of leaves, a medium sized fire, and plenty of berries.
Nidorino backed up, facing the massive pile of leaves, and charged into them, knocking the pile over. Then everyone joined in, spreading the laves out, having leaf fights. We were soon all exhausted, with a perfect bed.

Then Electrode lit the fire with a spark, and everyone huddled around, as it was getting windy. After that, we all settled down for a good nights sleep.

Day 14

As soon as dawn broke, everyone was up, relit the fire, and started to toast some berries for breakfast. When we were all full, we got started on the activities.

The Day was split into 15 different sections.

Section 1: Breakfast

Toasted berries, Pokemon Food, whatever would give everyone high energy for the rest of the day. This woke all the Pokemon up, and got them raring to go.

Section 2: Warm Up

This was exercises, push-ups, sit-ups, that sort of thing. This got all the Pokemon's muscles working, as well as making them physically stronger. The Pokemon used this to compare their skills, seeing which Pokemon could do the most push-ups in a minute, that sort of thing.

Section 3: Team Skills

Team 1:


Team 2:


Team Skills was all about working as a team. Doing things such as collecting leaves, in competition with the other team. This made the Pokemon work together, to win. There were often fiendish plots too, with Team 1 digging a big hole, which all of Team 2 fell into, for example.
All the Pokemon enjoyed the competition, and just got better and better.

Section 4: Stat Skills

Stat Skills was how the Pokemon worked on their individual skill, such as accuracy, reactions, Attack Power.

Attack Power was worked on using Physical Attacks and moves, such as improving their Tackle Attack.

Defensive Power was teaching the Pokemon how to defend well, to lessen the attacks power, take hits straight on, and conceal weak spots.

Speed was simple sprints, slaloms, shuttle runs. Dodging attacks was also incorporated into this.

Accuracy was aiming attacks at targets, either standing or moving.

Stamina was developed by long distance runs, using the same attack repeatedly, and even holding their breath.

Reactions were developed by seeing how fast a Pokemon could react to a trainer's command. or dodge an oncoming attack.

Every Pokemon liked this, as it meant that they could find out how good they were personally.

Section 5: Lunch

Most of lunchtime was spent bickering and bantering about the earlier exercises. I added extra Vitamins and Minerals to the Pokemon's lunches, such as Calcium and Iron.

Section 6: Battle Skill

Battle Skill was about using the arena. Being able to swim, hide behind obstacles, climb trees all came into this. It was also about countering Pokemon that were utilising the arena.

Section 7: Battle Conditions

Conditions was about using the conditions, such as rain, snow, sun, to the Pokemon's advantage. Such as Bulbasaur's Solarbeam, which powered up in Sunlight.

Section 8: Battle Combinations

Combinations was about combining attacks to give them more power, or deplete an oncoming attack's power. This involved combining attacks, launching attacks from the air, charging up other attacks.

Section 9: Battle Abilities

Abilites was about learning about each Pokemon's unique ability, such as Gastly's Levitate, Ekans' Intimidate. This was really liked, as the Pokemon could learn something about themselves.

Section 10: Battle Types

This was learning about which moves did extra damage, or less damage, to certain type Pokemon.

Section 11: Battle Practice

Battle Practice was random match-ups, which rotated every time a Pokemon took a hit. This was the Pokemon's favourite round, as they could go all out against the other Pokemon.

Section 12: Warm Down

This was healing and relaxing time, so that the Pokemon weren't too hyped up.

Section 13: Supper

Supper was another round of food, also with supplements.

Section 14: Games

Pokemon liked this, as they played tag, hide and seek, all sorts.

Section 15: Night Exercise

The night exercise was usually a sneaking around, using darkness game, often involving silent ambushes, and using cover.

Then it was bed time ,and all the Pokemon were so tired, they dropped straight off, ready for the next day.

Days 15, 16, 17, 18

These days were spent doing all the exercises.

Day 19

This was the last day, and we all hiked to the summit. There every Pokemon planted a berry, to show that they had been there.

Then we all slowly made our way down to Cerulean City, happy with the weeks work.

When we all arrived in Cerulean, it was getting dark, so we camped there.