Cinnabar Island

Day 12

We flew down to Pallet Town, I wanted to talk with Professor Oak before we headed to Cinnabar. About my new Ekans.

I went up to his lab, and knocked, being shown in by Tracey.

I talked to Oak about the next gym, and he said that Bulbasaur and Beedrill wouldn't be much help, and suggested using Nidorino.

I also showed him Ekans, which he said was a Shiny Pokemon, which is a Pokemon with the same abilities, but differently coloured. Ekans was still sick. Oak examined it, and said that allEkans had was a Common Cold, which was less dangerous than the Poison Cold that it could have caught. He also said that Ekans has had PKRS in the past, which was cool.

I then realised that my ferry to Cinnabar was about to leave, so I had to say goodbye, and sprint to catch it.

I did catch it safely, just in time. It took an hour or so to reach Cinnabar, then we got off, and headed straight for the gym.

I challenged Blaine. but it was roasting hot inside his gym. It was only just bearable.

We had a double battle, which started with Electrode using Flash to stun Rapidash, so Ekans could get in a Bite. It worked, but then Rapidash used Agility, and Arcanine Howl.

Both of Blaine's Pokemon kept doing this, and they were impossible to hit. Salvation only came when my Pokedex told me that Ekans could use Haze, which eliminated stat changes. I told Ekans to use it, and it slowed Rapidahs down and calmed Arcanine. It also left a dark smog, making visibility difficult.

Electrode then used Flash on Rapidash, blinding it temporarily, followed by Ekans using Poison Sting to KO it.

We tried the same combo again on Arcanine, but Blaine told it to jump up in the air. Electrode charged up, then let rip with an almightily strong Thunderbolt, maximising damage as Arcanine was in the air. It was an instant KO.

I had got the Volcano badge, only one more to go before the Indigo Championships.

I left the gym, happy with the achievement.

I asked Ekans whether she felt up to a round against Cassie now, but I reckoned that all my Pokemon needed training.

I suggested that we hike over Mt. Moon, for a training camp. Ekans loved the idea, so did everyone else. We set off at once for Mt. Moon.

We arrived and camped, wanting to be totally refreshed for the days ahead.