Viridian City Revisited

Day 20

We arrived back in Viridian, to challenge the gym. It was the first place I went, and the machine in the door read my Trainer Card, letting me in.

I challenged Cassie to a 1-on-1 battle, 3 Pokemon each.

I started with Beedrill, she went with Nidoking.

Beedrill got in some great hits, but got hurt itself. It eventually KOed Nidoking after Nidoking used Dig, and Beedrill followed it into the Tunnel, KOing it with unavoidable Fury Attacks.

Cassie then sent out Dugtrio.

Dugtrio used Dig, hitting Bulbasaur badly. Then I realised that Pokemon could be KOed underground....

I told Bulbasaur to Leech Seed the ground, then use Sunny Day. This led the seeds to quickly become big trees with long roots. Dugtrio got stuck underground, then I sent out Nidorino, who used Earthquake, which was ultra-powerful on the trapped Dugtrio, KOing it.

Then came Cassie's Rhydon, which instantly charged at Nidorino, KOing him in one hit.

I sent out Bulbasaur, but her Solarbeam was beaten back by Rhydon's Fire Blast, KOing Bulbasuar.

I had to go with tired Beedrill, who hit quickly with a Signal Beam, toppling Rhydon over. Beedrill then went it with Twineedle, KOing it, and earning me the Earth Badge, and my ticket to the Indigo League.

I shook Cassie's hand and left the gym, heading straight for Victory Road, after healing up.

We made our way right up to the entrance, then we camped there, wanting to be refreshed for the journey.

Training Camp

Day 13

We got up early, to check all our supplies. I made sure that we had plenty of food, water, spare PokeBalls, PokeFood, Energy Drinks, Food Bowls, Sturdy Shoes, Sun Hat, Rope, Healing Equipment and a Tent. Whe we were totally ready we set off, hoping to find a good camping place quickly.

After an hour or so, we found a nice flat space, perfect for a camp. I sent everyone out. There was lots that needed doing.
Bulbasaur and Nidorino went to get firewood.
Beedrill and Electrode went to search for nearby Berries.
Ekans and Gastly made the sleeping area out of big logs in a square, and leaves.

I put up the tent, and as soon as I was finished, Bulbasaur and Nidorino returned with loads of firewood. Then they went off to look for leaves to sleep on. Ekans and Gastly helped them.
Beedrill and Electrode returned shortly after with lots of Apicot and Salac berries.

We soon had four sturdy logs, a huge pile of leaves, a medium sized fire, and plenty of berries.
Nidorino backed up, facing the massive pile of leaves, and charged into them, knocking the pile over. Then everyone joined in, spreading the laves out, having leaf fights. We were soon all exhausted, with a perfect bed.

Then Electrode lit the fire with a spark, and everyone huddled around, as it was getting windy. After that, we all settled down for a good nights sleep.

Day 14

As soon as dawn broke, everyone was up, relit the fire, and started to toast some berries for breakfast. When we were all full, we got started on the activities.

The Day was split into 15 different sections.

Section 1: Breakfast

Toasted berries, Pokemon Food, whatever would give everyone high energy for the rest of the day. This woke all the Pokemon up, and got them raring to go.

Section 2: Warm Up

This was exercises, push-ups, sit-ups, that sort of thing. This got all the Pokemon's muscles working, as well as making them physically stronger. The Pokemon used this to compare their skills, seeing which Pokemon could do the most push-ups in a minute, that sort of thing.

Section 3: Team Skills

Team 1:


Team 2:


Team Skills was all about working as a team. Doing things such as collecting leaves, in competition with the other team. This made the Pokemon work together, to win. There were often fiendish plots too, with Team 1 digging a big hole, which all of Team 2 fell into, for example.
All the Pokemon enjoyed the competition, and just got better and better.

Section 4: Stat Skills

Stat Skills was how the Pokemon worked on their individual skill, such as accuracy, reactions, Attack Power.

Attack Power was worked on using Physical Attacks and moves, such as improving their Tackle Attack.

Defensive Power was teaching the Pokemon how to defend well, to lessen the attacks power, take hits straight on, and conceal weak spots.

Speed was simple sprints, slaloms, shuttle runs. Dodging attacks was also incorporated into this.

Accuracy was aiming attacks at targets, either standing or moving.

Stamina was developed by long distance runs, using the same attack repeatedly, and even holding their breath.

Reactions were developed by seeing how fast a Pokemon could react to a trainer's command. or dodge an oncoming attack.

Every Pokemon liked this, as it meant that they could find out how good they were personally.

Section 5: Lunch

Most of lunchtime was spent bickering and bantering about the earlier exercises. I added extra Vitamins and Minerals to the Pokemon's lunches, such as Calcium and Iron.

Section 6: Battle Skill

Battle Skill was about using the arena. Being able to swim, hide behind obstacles, climb trees all came into this. It was also about countering Pokemon that were utilising the arena.

Section 7: Battle Conditions

Conditions was about using the conditions, such as rain, snow, sun, to the Pokemon's advantage. Such as Bulbasaur's Solarbeam, which powered up in Sunlight.

Section 8: Battle Combinations

Combinations was about combining attacks to give them more power, or deplete an oncoming attack's power. This involved combining attacks, launching attacks from the air, charging up other attacks.

Section 9: Battle Abilities

Abilites was about learning about each Pokemon's unique ability, such as Gastly's Levitate, Ekans' Intimidate. This was really liked, as the Pokemon could learn something about themselves.

Section 10: Battle Types

This was learning about which moves did extra damage, or less damage, to certain type Pokemon.

Section 11: Battle Practice

Battle Practice was random match-ups, which rotated every time a Pokemon took a hit. This was the Pokemon's favourite round, as they could go all out against the other Pokemon.

Section 12: Warm Down

This was healing and relaxing time, so that the Pokemon weren't too hyped up.

Section 13: Supper

Supper was another round of food, also with supplements.

Section 14: Games

Pokemon liked this, as they played tag, hide and seek, all sorts.

Section 15: Night Exercise

The night exercise was usually a sneaking around, using darkness game, often involving silent ambushes, and using cover.

Then it was bed time ,and all the Pokemon were so tired, they dropped straight off, ready for the next day.

Days 15, 16, 17, 18

These days were spent doing all the exercises.

Day 19

This was the last day, and we all hiked to the summit. There every Pokemon planted a berry, to show that they had been there.

Then we all slowly made our way down to Cerulean City, happy with the weeks work.

When we all arrived in Cerulean, it was getting dark, so we camped there.

Cinnabar Island

Day 12

We flew down to Pallet Town, I wanted to talk with Professor Oak before we headed to Cinnabar. About my new Ekans.

I went up to his lab, and knocked, being shown in by Tracey.

I talked to Oak about the next gym, and he said that Bulbasaur and Beedrill wouldn't be much help, and suggested using Nidorino.

I also showed him Ekans, which he said was a Shiny Pokemon, which is a Pokemon with the same abilities, but differently coloured. Ekans was still sick. Oak examined it, and said that allEkans had was a Common Cold, which was less dangerous than the Poison Cold that it could have caught. He also said that Ekans has had PKRS in the past, which was cool.

I then realised that my ferry to Cinnabar was about to leave, so I had to say goodbye, and sprint to catch it.

I did catch it safely, just in time. It took an hour or so to reach Cinnabar, then we got off, and headed straight for the gym.

I challenged Blaine. but it was roasting hot inside his gym. It was only just bearable.

We had a double battle, which started with Electrode using Flash to stun Rapidash, so Ekans could get in a Bite. It worked, but then Rapidash used Agility, and Arcanine Howl.

Both of Blaine's Pokemon kept doing this, and they were impossible to hit. Salvation only came when my Pokedex told me that Ekans could use Haze, which eliminated stat changes. I told Ekans to use it, and it slowed Rapidahs down and calmed Arcanine. It also left a dark smog, making visibility difficult.

Electrode then used Flash on Rapidash, blinding it temporarily, followed by Ekans using Poison Sting to KO it.

We tried the same combo again on Arcanine, but Blaine told it to jump up in the air. Electrode charged up, then let rip with an almightily strong Thunderbolt, maximising damage as Arcanine was in the air. It was an instant KO.

I had got the Volcano badge, only one more to go before the Indigo Championships.

I left the gym, happy with the achievement.

I asked Ekans whether she felt up to a round against Cassie now, but I reckoned that all my Pokemon needed training.

I suggested that we hike over Mt. Moon, for a training camp. Ekans loved the idea, so did everyone else. We set off at once for Mt. Moon.

We arrived and camped, wanting to be totally refreshed for the days ahead.

Fuchsia City

Day 11

The nurse in Fuchsia knew nothing about my Ekans either, oh well.

We decided to head for Koga's gym, then maybe the Safari Zone as a treat afterwards.

We entered the gym, ready for anything.

I challenged Koga to a double battle, and he agreed. I sent out Bulbasaur and Electrode, he chose Muk and Weezing.

Electrode's Thunderbolt and Bulbasaur's Solarbeam combo were really good, doing loads of damage. Electrode then used Explosion, doing yet more damage, but KOing Electrode.

Weezing then used Explosion itself, but Bulbasaur jumped up in the air, being forced high by the blast. He then used Body Slam on Muk, KOing it easily.

I got the Soul Badge, and we were another step closer to the Indigo Championships.

We then visited the Safari Zone as a reward for everyone's hard work getting 6 badges.

All the Pokemon enjoyed making friends with all the exotic Pokemon that were around, and I took some good photos. When it got dark, we left, ready to move on to Cinnabar.

We camped outside a Psyduck's pen, where all her baby ducklings were sleeping peacefully.

Saffron City

Day 10:

We got up early, and headed into Saffron. gastly was up to the challenge, so we went straight for the gym after breakfast.

I challenged Sabrina, and we battled.

Gastly easily beat her Kadabra, with a brilliant Shadow Punch. Electrode's Explosion did for the Alakazam, after Electrode was almost KOed in one hit by a Psybeam. We had got the Marsh Badge!

We left the gym, and there wasn't much to do, so I hired a flying Pokemon, and we flew to Fuchsia.

When we arrived, we decided to have an early night, ready for the next gym battle with Koga.

Celadon City

Day 9

We woke up, and headed towards Saffron, and the Underground Path. As we reached it, three Growlithe attacked. Aaron caught one, Maria caught one, but I defeated mine. We then moved on to Celadon safely.

As we entered the City, we split up. Maria and Jin were heading for the Game Corner, Aaron the department store, and me the gym. He said out goodbyes, and I headed for the gym.

I challenged Erike to a one-on-one battle, and we started, Beedrill easily cuting swathes through Erika's Vileplume. We soon won. We got the Rainbow Badge, and now we're halfway to all 8 badges.

We left the gym, and headed for the department store.

I zoomed around, not liking shopping, I got one of each the evolution items, some power-up drugs, and some healing stuff. I left the shop, and headed to the Game Corner.

I played the slots, winning a little, but my big win was on a Pokemon Dash.

I bet on Meowth #2, and it sped home 1st, winning me 500 coins. Brilliant.

I wanted to buy a Pokemon, but they all looked weak. A crate at the back caught my eye. I picked it up, and inside was an Olive green and Yellow Ekans. It looked ill. I wanted to take it out of the cramped crate, and heal it up. I paid the assistant all of my 650 coins for her, and unlocked the crate. I ran to the Pokemon Center to heal it.

Nurse Joy said she had never seen anything like it. Ekans was healed, and looked a lot better. I left for Saffron, as Aaron had headed for Fuchsia.

On the way to Saffron, we camped, it was getting dark.

Rock Tunnel

Day 8:

We woke up late, hoping that all the nocturnal Zubat in Rock Tunnel would have gone to sleep by the time we entered.

We all healed in the nearby Pokemon Center, and then we were ready to take on Rock Tunnel. He walked into the dark cave, with Voltorb ready to use Flash.

On the first floor, we took down several Zubat, but then there was a massive group of angry Mankey. Voltorb managed to stun them with Flash, then Thunderbolt. We managed to scramble up the ladder to the next floor.

Voltorb just got better and better on the next floor, beating two trainers and countless Zubat. We reached the exit, ready for Lavender Town.

The fresh air was great as we headed to Lavender.

When we arrived as soon as we were healed, Voltorb was ready to go Ghost Hunting in the Pokemon Tower. So we set off. After lunch of course. Bulbasaur couldn't let us forget that.

We went into the darkened tower, and I remembered it from that sad day a few years ago, the day Aron died.

I visited the grave. Dad wanted Aron to be buried here, in Lavender, rather than in Mt. Pyre, because Aron had loved the ghosts there.

I left an Oran Berry on the grave, as a sign of respect.

Then we moved on, to do some Ghost hunting.
Unfortunately, the first Pokemon we found was a Cubone, which Voltorb beat. Voltorb then evolved, turning into an Electrode. I was so proud of it. It had worked so hard since Bill's Cottage.

We then moved on to Ghost hunting, and we quickly found a Gastly. Electrode weakened it, and I threw a PokeBall, only for Gastly to escape. Electrode then hurt it more, and then I did catch it, at last. Gastly joined the team, at long last.

Then we beat some more Gastlys, before exiting, and bumping into Aaron Nightshadow and Maria Wolff.

I soon found out that Gastly was pretty badly behaved, and kept doing impressions of me behind my back.

We headed for Celadon, for the next badge.

Then we camped out, ready for a gym battle the next day.

Vermilion City

Day 7:

After we slept the night in the Pokemon Center, we headed for Vermilion, wondering what challenges were in store for us.

As we arrived, we headed to the Pokemon Center, and healed everyone.

They we decided to check out the Pokemon Fan Club there.
As we went in, there was a rampaging Psyduck, which was causing havoc.

The chairman didn't know what was wrong with it.
I suggested that the trainer told it to use Calm Mind, and as soon as Psyduck used it, it calmed down, and was fine.
I then had a chat with all the trainers there, as well as the Chairman, who gave me some tips for the gym. I can't wait to try them out.

We then headed straight for the gym.

We challenged Lt. Surge, and the match started.

Nidoran beat his Voltorb, because Nidoran can ground Electric Attacks.

Nidoran then evolved into a Nidorino, which was really amazing.

Then we had a Double Battle, Nidorino and Bulbasaur v Pikachu and Riachu

Nidorino and Bulbasaur pulled off some great combination moves, and Nidorino shielded Bulbasaur from a super-powerful Thunder attack. So I switched him out, and sent out Voltorb.

Bulbasaur then KOed Pikachu, and Voltorb showed off it's Explosion attack, hurting Bulbasaur, and KOing Riachu, to earn me the Thunder Badge.

As soon as we left the gym, we healed up.

Voltorb was really pumped up afterwards, so we headed for Rock Tunnel while he was on the high.

As we went along Route 11, Voltorb was beating Spearows and Rattatas, and was getting more and more powerful. He wasn't a baby any more.

While we were going down Route 9, I realised that I needed Flash to get through Rock Tunnel, so I taught it to Voltorb, who was really happy with the attack.

As we arrived at the start of the Tunnel, the sun was setting, so we camped there for the night.