Cerulean City

Day 6:

I walked down into Cerulean after sleeping in a little late. I walked to the Pokemon Center, healed, then headed for the gym. It was the biggest building in the whole city, and unmistakable, as it had a large Dewgong painted above the door. I went in, pushed the doors open, and saw Misty training with her Staryu. I challenged her and she agreed , sending out Staryu. I quickly sent out Bulbasaur, and she ddi a great job, pulling off a combo we had been working on. Staryu fainted, and Misty went with Starmie. I sent out Beedrill, who fought hard, but was KOed by Starmie. I sent out Nidoran, who finished off the tired Starmie, to earn me the victory.

I obtained the Cascade badge, and I stuck it to my trainer card. We left the gym, and healed up again.

We decided to check out the cape, and set off North.

Nidoran got into all sorts of mischief, eventually getting stuck to a tree by accident. I had to pull him out. It's all to do with his Mischievious nature. I had checked with Professor Oak, who had said that every Pokemon has a nature, a personality. I tested all my Pokemon, and they came out as...

Bulbasaur - Lazy
Beedrill - Sensible
Nidoran - Mischievous

I carried on up the cape, and soon got into a battle with a Trainer.

He sent out Pidgeotto, I went with Nidoran. Nidoran did really well, and beat the Pidgeotto.

The trainer directed me to a tall man, who gave me a gold nugget, like this:


We carried on up the cape, and Bulbasaur showed off it's Laziness by falling asleep, and had to be carried.

We pushed out way through all the Hikers, and arrived at Bill's house.

I knocked, and Bill opened the door. He showed me through into a big room, which was very messy. He quickly showed me into his garden, which was where he kept all his rare Pokemon.

He went to fetch what looked like a massive PokeBall, but turned out to be a Voltorb, an electric Pokemon. Bill asked me to look after it, as it really wanted it's mother. I accepted it, to see if I could make it come round. It had a Timid Nature.

I took the low road all the way back to Cerulean, and headed towards Vermilion after healing up once more.